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A Note From Our Director.

"Education is the compass that guides us through life's journey."

Seven years ago, JM Rising was founded in Faridabad, marking the inception of our vision, "To Involve and Evolve."

Through the unwavering dedication of our staff and students, guided by Principal Mrs. Priyanka Karahana, JM Rising Convent School has emerged as a distinguished institution in Tigaon, Faridabad.

As I extend a warm welcome to each student, remember your uniqueness holds the potential to shape a brighter future.

Our commitment lies in fostering a conducive learning environment where talent is recognized and nurtured.

At JM Rising, we prioritize education infused with values, recognizing its pivotal role in building a better world.

As a trustee, my aim is to champion the best interests of students, educators, and families, ensuring our school continues to flourish.

Mr. Harvinder Singh
Director, MBA in Business Analytics